DCC January 2025 Report

5:53pm Saturday, February 1st, 2025

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Both players were tugging on Superman's cape, I'd say.

The heading photo is players waiting for the pairings to appear on our electronic pairings screen. No small print on paper taped to a wall at the DCC. Also, you see the new cool blue carpet in the playing room. I asked big time chess enthusiast, Ben DeGuire to write something for the DCC January Report. I was pleased to receive the following: 

DeGuire’s digest: Hello everyone this is Ben DeGuire (dee - gear) I am Denver chess club’s new secretary and contributor for the DCC reports. I would like to start by thanking everyone for allowing me to be secretary. If you have any concerns about the club or questions, please let me know and I will address them at our board meeting. Also, I would like to thank JC, our main writer of the tournaments reports for giving me this opportunity. 

DeGuire’s digest: As for the future content of; I was planning on just writing whatever i feel like, chess related of course. This could mean anything from looking at a fun endgame study, middle game position or opening idea. In addition to purely chess content I have lots of ideas for the more subjective side of chess. Subjects like how you should approach the game, pragmatism vs perfectionism, psychology of chess, draws and maybe a few fun stories sprinkled in for entertainment. Please feel free to suggest topic ideas/questions or send me in your own fun openings, middle games or endgames. I would love to direct you to our chess.com and lichess teams. If we ever have a snow day or a carpet replacement again the online clubs can be a fun substitute for our Tuesday or Thursday night tournaments. Chess.com club: https://www.chess.com/club/denver-chess-club/join Lichess team: https://lichess.org/team/denver-chess-club Contacts: bendeguire1@gmail.com , chess.com : Crane_Chess 

NM Eamon Montgomery with the Black pieces. NM Richard Shtivelband has White, and has his opponent is in deep thought. 

Now that we have digested DeGuire’s digest, on to the January DCC prize winners. It was another 3 round tournament. This time due to the church installing new carpet. Did they have to do that on a Tuesday? With that little quibble said, I'll admit it is a very nice blue carpet, which seems to make the room brighter.  Again, the prize fund was somewhat lower than usual due to only 3 rounds. 

NM Daniel Herman is recording his move and Grayson Manuel is thinking. 

In the Tuesday night Premier section, LM Richard Shtivelband and Daniel Herman each finished with  2.5  points. Daniel had a round 2 bye and Mr. Shtivelband was held to a last round draw by Eamon Montgomery. Thus both players won 60 dollars and 27 cents. After being held to a 1st round draw by Luis Jimenez, NM Montgomery ended up in 3rd place and won 30 dollars and 13 cents with 2 points. I think everyone knows by now that Grayson Manuel (1879) is way stronger than his rating. The youngster won the 30 dollar !st Upset Prize for his round 1 win over Candidate Master, Rhett Langseth (2079) The 20 dollar 2nd Upset Prize went to Jeremy Roldan (1848) who also won against Mr. Langseth. Both players were tugging on Superman's cape, I'd say :-)

In the Tuesday night U1900 section, John Schoenke, and long time DCC Player, Randolph Schine, scored 2.5 points and each player won 57 dollars and 91 cents. Another long time DCC player, Ricardo Bogaert along with Darsh Satishkumar, Jeff Nohrden, and new to the DCC, Kaleth Torrens-Martins all finished with 2 points, and each player won 7 dollars and 24 cents. That's coffee and doughnut money at least :-) The 30 dollar 1st Upset Prize was by Andrew Nohrden (1304) when he took the full point from long time DCC player, Bill O'Neil (1600) in round 1. The 20 dollar 2nd Upset Prize was won by Pranav Male (1379) when he won against Jackson Curry 1634) in round 1.

Yes, another photo of the new carpet. Your reporter spaced out the last round and did not get any more Tuesday night pictures. My bad. 

It was good to see James LaMorgese back at the DCC, and I imagine he was glad to be back since he took 1st place in the Tuesday night U1500 section. and won 72 dollars and 32 cents with 2.5 points. Only allowing a last round draw to Tyler Hickswright. Who ended up tied for 2nd and 3rd place with Lucas Vasquez and Richard Eveleigh. These three players each won 24 dollars and 13 cents with 2 points. Mr. Hickswright (1202) also won the 30 dollar Upset prize for his draw against Mr. LaMorgese (1496). Incredibly this was the only upset in this section.

Thursday night games progress. There is plenty of competition at both DCC locations.

In the Thursday night Premier section, Daniel Herman ruled the roost with a perfect 5-0 score that put 164 dollars and 31 cents in his pocket. Rhett Langseth only lost to Mr. Herman and took home the 2nd place prize of 123 dollars and 23 cents. Luis Jimenez only lost to Mr. Langseth and with a last round bye he ended up with 3.5 points and won the 3rd place prize of 61 dollars and 62 cents. With 2.5 points Daniel Marmer and John Schoenke share the 161 dollars and 62 cents U1900 prize. Mr. Schoenke's points were all from taken from higher rated players. Forrest Lundstrom (1932) won the 20 Upset prize when he beat Alexander Steger (2097) in round 2.  

John Schoenke (b) vs. Rhett Langseth (w).  Brian Wall, Daniel Herman, and Forrest Lundstrom in the background.

In the Thursday night U1600 and Unrated section Caleb Knedlik took 1st place with 4 wins and round 4 bye. All of his wins were big upsets. The rating point difference totaled up to 988 points!! A well earned 164 dollars and 64 cents. The combined 2nd and 3rd place prize of 184 dollars and 84 cents was sharded by Nick Hvizda, Russell Watterson, Isaac Richardson, and Jonah Freed. They all finished with 3.5 points.

Shirley Herman, with her game face on, is playing Isaac Richardson

The U1600/U1300 prize of 61 dollars and 62 cents was split between Brian Hood, Calvin Lee, and Shirley Herman. Ms. Herman (1026) also won the 20 dollar U1600 Upset prize when she upset Enrico Moss (1560) in round 3. Ms. Herman also had a nice upset draw against the Thursday night TD, Weston Taylor (1410) Further proof that Ms. Herman's game is getting better and better. 

TD Weston Taylor (b) vs. Nick Hvidza (w)

As always thanks to everyone who is making the DCC a great chess club. The TD's of course, but especially the players at both locations. I would also like to thank the people who read these DCC reports. Spread the word that the DCC does chess right. At the DCC we play for fun, rating points, and for the possibility of winning a prize check. Who could ask for more?

Games Section

None of the few games posted to DCC games this month met NM Chris Peterson's criteria for a Best Game. The more players who post their games, the better the chance of one of them winning the 20 dollar Best prize. Mainly, both players must play well. Like a strong attack thwarted by a stout defense, passed pawn endgame technique, or sharp tactics from either side.  We do, of course, have some Brian Wall games, though. But first, two excellent games from DCC regular player, Alex Steger.

2r1q1k1/p4p2/3Q2p1/1p1B1b1p/4p2P/1P2P3/P4PP1/3R2K1 w - - 24 48

1)Alex Steger vs. Eamon Montgomery. Tuesday. Round 4. Eamon has just played 24... Ra8-c8. Why not Rd8 attacking the Queen?

r4rk1/1p3ppp/1qb5/p1NpNB2/Pn1Pn3/8/1P3PPP/R1Q2RK1 w - - 18 36
2) Alex Steger vs. Luis Jimenez. Tuesday. Round 3. In this position after 18...Nf6-e4 I'm sure everyone sees Mr. Steger has a Knight fork with 19. Ned7. Instead, what move does Mr. Steger play and say is "Far better to keep the initiative than win the exchange"? 

2r4k/1q6/p3p3/1p2brPP/3p3K/P4b1Q/BPPB4/2R1R3 w - - 33 66

3) Brian Wall vs. Chris Motley. Kings of Chess tournament. Round 2. After 33. Rf8-f5. NM Wall says "Chris has nasty threats like ... Rcf8, ... Qb7-f7-h7xh5# I am winning but I must find two Only Moves." How would you continue?

8/p4p2/1p6/3bk3/5p1P/P4B2/1P2K3/8 b - - 36 71
4) Jeff Baffo vs. Brian Wall Kings of Chess tournament. Round 1. Nm Wall says. "Jeff is fine if he avoids a Bishop trade with36 Bh5 =, 36 Bg4 = or Bd1 =He can block my doubled pawns with Kf2 if he has to and the h4-pawn is a nice distraction. Trading Bishops is reminiscent of Ding Liren's final blunder against Gukesh that cost him a World Championship. Trade Trade Lose.

4nB2/8/6k1/p1pP4/1pPbPpP1/1P6/P5K1/8 b - - 44 87
5) Brian Wall vs. Daniel Herman. Kings of Chess tournament. Round 3.  In this position NM Wall played 44...Ne8-f6. Saying, "Only 44 ... Kf7!!  45 Bh6  Nd6!!  46 Bxf4  Nxe4!!  threatening 47 ... Nc3 wins.
8/3n4/8/8/PppBk3/8/P7/3K4 w - - 57 114
5a) the same game . Round 3. Final Position. Daniel called my Flag. He had 4:18. NM Wall says "I never knew I was winning until I turned on my computer 10 days later." A real battle between two of Colorado's strongest players. Clock management is just as important as playing the best moves. 

6k1/4rpb1/2pq3p/p7/P1Bp4/1P3QP1/5PKP/2R5 b - - 36 71
6) Brian Wall vs. Rhett Langseth. Thursday. Extra game after both players won their Thursday tournament pairings quickly. After 36. Rd1-c1 NM Wall says, "My Bishop is beautifully posted and protected while Rhett's Bishop is neither. I just have to rearrange my Queen and Rook, say Rf5, Qh5. I can start with Rd3!!  (+3) and Rhett can do nothing to stop it. In the game I got frustrated and allowed a trade of Queens, no longer believing I was winning. In conclusion, saying,  "Losing this position is a tragedy."

2kr1b1r/2p1nbpp/ppp2p2/4p3/P3P1P1/3PBNNP/1qP2PK1/R2Q3R w - - 14 28
7) Brian Wall vs. Jarod Heap. Thursday. Round 5. After 15 Qd2! Black's Queen is trapped after 16 Rfb1! Jarod played 15 ... Ba2 to stop this but then his Bishop was trapped after  16 c4!  Qxd2  17 Nxd2

2k2b1r/2p3pp/ppp2pn1/4p3/P1P1P1P1/1N1rB1NP/5PK1/RR6 w - - 19 38
7a) the same game Black resigns. NM Wall called this a "Classy resignation" since "Jarod still had two pawns for th

r1bq3k/pp4pp/2np4/2pB1rPQ/2P2p2/2B5/P4PP1/1R3RK1 w - - 23 46
8) Jeremey Roldan vs. Brian Wall Thursday. Round 3. After 23... e5xf4 capturing a pawn. NM Wall says, "I have completely botched this. Jeremy immediately executed his planned 24 Bxg7+ ??  Kxg7  25 Qh6+  Kh8  26 g6  Qe7!  27 Rfe1 Ne5 and Jeremy has nothing for his sacrificed Bishop. Often in Chess if a move almost works you just have to switch the move order. 24 Rfe1!!  Ne5  25 Be4  g6  26 Qh4  Qxg5  27 Qxg5  Rxg5  28 Rbd1. I have 3 extra pawns and 400 rating points but when d6 crumbles the house of cards falls down. I also give full credit for24  Be4!!  or Rbe1!

5rk1/p1p3p1/2b5/3pP2r/P2BpPq1/1P4P1/2P2RQ1/R5K1 b - - 23 45
9) Julien Botto vs. Brian Wall. Draw. This game was played at Oprah's Rook Club. Located at Woods Boss Brewing Company. 2210 California Street, Denver, CO. They actually welcome chess players. I am not making that up :-) Instead of 23. b3 as played, NM Wall says "23...Rh3, 24...Rh3, 25...Rh3, 26...Rh3 would win. When I finally played 27 ... Rh3? it was a mistake. 27... Qh3! wins.

Thanks again to all,
J.C. MacNeil

Last Modified: 2/10/2025 at 6:41pm Views: 920